Design optimized packaging & distribution systems for agro-industry focusing on fresh produce.  Various technologies such as Controlled Atmosphere Packaging (CA); Modified Atmosphere Packaging using ‘Highly Gas Permeable Film,’ Non perforation vs. Micro perforation; Ethylene Absorbing Film; Cold chain monitoring; simu...
This research unit focuses on packaging design services and also conducting research in packaging economic design, packaging design for marketing, packaging function and application effectiveness.   Key contact person: Assoc. Prof. TunyarutJinkarn ...
This research group focuses on bio-based packaging materials and its applications. The research areas cover modification, barrier improvement, functionality improvement, and converting technology of bio-based materials.  Emphasis is on current research topics in biopolymers, paper packaging, and synthetic polymer/biopolymer composite...
Migration, the transfer of chemical contaminants from food contact materials into food, is a prime component in assessing the safety of food contact materials. Industry and food business have to ensure their products comply with the applicable regulations.This research unit focuses on research and testing services regarding migration of f...
This research group composes of multi-disciplinary active researchers. Various innovative research works are conducted including active and intelligent packaging materials, advanced polymers and composite materials, as well as degradation and stability of polymers.  Current research involves antimicrobial packaging, antioxidant packa...
Food spoilage indicator label;Colorimetric mixed dye based;KU freshZense     Key contact person: Assoc. Prof. Panuwat   ...
ผลงานนอีาศยั การบรูณาการสหสาขาวชิา วทิยาศาสตรส์ตั วป์ีก (Poultry Science) วทิยาศาสตรม์หโมเลกลุ(Macromolecular Science) เคมอีนิทรยี์(Organic Chemistry) การพัฒน...